What is quality content writing?

High-quality content means writing about things your audience will find useful in a clear and understandable way also it will help your website to target the right audience.

Why Quality content is important?

Quality content helps to attract the right audience to your website, engage them and work for user action on your website. If the user considers the content to be valuable, they are more likely to share it.

How to write quality content?

If your content is not relevant to your specific niche, it will not rank. Even if you are producing content that is unique, then your content will not rank. Your content must include keywords that are important to your target audience and, it must be well-written.

Why keywords in the content are important?

Google looks at different factors before deciding to rank the content. In fact, there are over 200 ranking factors that Google uses to determine where a post should rank for specific keyword terms. Still, Keywords are the most important factors that Google uses to determine where your post should rank is whether or not you … Read more

What is a blog?

A blog is a platform where a writer or group of writers share their views on an individual topic.

Is blogging a waste of time?

Blogging can be time-consuming and requires a lot of promotion. If your writing is not great or valuable, there is a small chance of impressing Google.

Is blogging a career?

Blogging can be a hobby, the blogging journey is a way to build your brand or a line on your resume that can help you land a job… But did you know that it can also be a job? While most blogs are personal platforms, Technorati estimates that up to 39% of bloggers do it … Read more

Do bloggers make money?

Bloggers are making money in many ways. Successful bloggers can earn more than 7 figures a year, while other bloggers may not generate income at all.

What are the steps to start a blog?

Steps to start a blog, 1. Pick a domain name 2. Purchase a hosting package (Next, choose a web host for your business) 3. Install WordPress 4. Choose a blog theme 5. Create a blog header 6. Write your blog pages 7. Install plugins

How to be a successful blogger

If you want to be a successful and full-time blogger, you have to deal with numerous things, including: Content writing Search engine optimisation (SEO) Advertising and promotions Following this method and implementing it consistently, on regular basis, from time to time, you can monetize your blog and earn money from it.